There is no out of box functionality to toggle a visualization. We can use the below IronPython code to add or remove the visualization on a button click
There is no out of box functionality to toggle a visualization. We can use the below IronPython code to add or remove the visualization on a button click
Code Sample
# Copyright © 2017. TIBCO Software Inc. Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license. from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import * page=Document.ActivePageReference vizExists=False for visual in page.Visuals: if visual.Title=="cTable": vizExists=True if vizExists: page.Visuals.Remove(visual) else: visual=page.Visuals.AddNew(VisualTypeIdentifiers.CrossTable) visualB=visual.As[CrossTablePlot]() visualB.Title="cTable" # add a script parameter table referring to the Data Table required visualB.Data.DataTableReference=table visualB.ColumnAxis.Expression="<[Country]>" visualB.RowAxis.Expression="<[Manager]>" visualB.MeasureAxis.Expression="Sum([Spent])"
License: TIBCO BSD-Style License
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