This article provides a sample script reference on how to add a Unpivot Transformation to a data table using IronPython scripting
This article provides a sample script reference on how to add a Unpivot Transformation to a data table using IronPython scripting
Code Sample
# Copyright © 2019. TIBCO Software Inc. Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license. from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import UnpivotTransformation from System.Collections.Generic import List unPivot=UnpivotTransformation() #Define columns to pass through list = List[DataColumnSignature]() list.Clear() col = table.Columns['AT_BATS'] list.Add(DataColumnSignature(col)) unPivot.IdentityColumns = list #Define columns to transform list1 = List[DataColumnSignature]() list1.Clear() col = table.Columns['ASSISTS'] list1.Add(DataColumnSignature(col)) col = table.Columns['NAME'] list1.Add(DataColumnSignature(col)) unPivot.ValueColumns = list1 #Define category column unPivot.CategoryName = "Category"; unPivot.CategoryType = DataType.String; #Define result column unPivot.ResultName = "Value"; unPivot.ResultType = DataType.Integer; # add transformation table.AddTransformation(unPivot)
License: TIBCO BSD-Style License
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