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  • This article walks though the process of creating Well Stick Diagram using Spotfire Map Charts only.


    Well Stick diagrams provide a quick and clear representation on how wellbores are placed in subsurface and how far they are from other wellbores. Here is a quick demo showing how to create well sticks diagram using surface and bottom holes coordinates or (heel and toe).

    Data Shape

    Format your data as below, where each well pair of coordinates is on the same lat/long columns, and create another column to classify whether this coordinate a surface or bottom hole coordinate. For more control in cases of more than one wellbore per surface hole, create another column for wellbores.



    Creating Sticks Layer in Spotfire Maps

    1- Start by creating a Marker Layer and add the table above.

    • Make sure you correctly configure your lat and long through positioning taimage.png.1c528a94b1d5ed624b9fc6f78d61bf01.png
    • You should see surface and bottom holes locations on the map now


    • Continue configuring (Colors, Shapes) to your preference. in our case we will configure colors by well name and shapes by hole type (toe or heel)image.png.0387e4b9948c9016d739c9804eab4ac9.png
    • Shapes on heel or toe can be hidden by controlling the size parameter, I will choose to keep heel shapes only by using an expression in the Size tab.


    • Create the connection in the connection as followsimage.png.898282ff78e8dc73217bd0906b7d566f.png


    That's it! Let us know in the comments if you have any issues or feedback.

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