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  • Create rich mobile applications in Spotfire® using "minimum page size"

    Note: While this feature is still useful in some circumstances, if you are designing an application that is to be used on mobile devices you should be aware of the responsive page layout feature introduced in Spotfire 7.13.

    One of the many useful features starting with Spotfire® v7.7 is the ability to specify a minimum page size separately for width and height. When you design an application to be used on  a phone-size device, you can use this feature to create an experience where the user scrolls beyond the screen to view more visualizations than can fit on the screen at once, thus ensuring that each visualization gets the space it needs. The below picture shows an application where the user scrolls to view more visualizations than those that fit on the screen at once.


    The video shows how an application using the KPI chart and regular Spotfire visualizations can create a rich experience where the user first views high-level KPIs and drills down to view details in a set of cross tables, line-charts, and bar charts.

    Setting the minimum page size is easy: just right click the page tab and select Set Minimum Size.


    that shows how it works.

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