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  • Convert filter controls as custom dropdowns

    Spotfire Filters are very powerful when using them in text areas. This article shows how, with a little tweaking with Javascript and CSS we can make these filter controls look amazing in our analysis.


    Copy the html code below and replace the SpotfireControls with a Calculated Value and a Filter by editing a text area in html mode 

    <div id="main" style="display:flex;"> 
     <div class="nowrap">
      <SPAN class="dropdown-el icon" >
       <LABEL><SpotfireControl id="CALC_VALUE" /></LABEL> 
      <SPAN class=pop><SpotfireControl id="ANY SPOTFIRE CONTROL" /></SPAN>
     <div class="nowrap"> 
      <SPAN class="dropdown-el icon" >
       <LABEL>custom label</LABEL> 
      <SPAN class=pop>custom contents</SPAN>

    Note: You will need html sanitization off. Ask your Spotfire admin to turn html sanitization off for you.

    I use this Calculated Value Control expression to display a limited number of characters for the multiple selections.

     left(UniqueConcatenate([Name]),28) & (if(len(UniqueConcatenate([Name]))>28,"...",""))

    or this other expression to indicate the total number of items when the selection is too large

     if(len(UniqueConcatenate([Name]))>28,UniqueCount([Name]) & " selected",UniqueConcatenate([Name]))

    If you are using the dropdown value to display only one value, for example, when using a Radio Button Filter, the expression is much simpler:


    For Range Filters, I use:

     Min([Date]) & " - " & Max([Date])

    Add the following javascript code 

    //bind events
    var x=[...document.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-el.icon")]
    		let pop = el.parentNode.lastElementChild
    //hides all except el
    function hideAll(el){
    // Add event listener to the entire document
    document.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      const clickedElement = event.target;
      // Check if the click was outside of all popups and dropdown elements
      if (!clickedElement.closest('.pop') && !clickedElement.closest('.dropdown-el')) {
    //add style
    var css=`<style>
    .dropdown-el {
    	 text-align: center;
    	 background: #ebf4fb;
    	 min-height: 95vh;
    	 margin: 0;
    	 padding: 0;
    	 border-bottom: 5vh solid #3694d7;
    	 font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Arial", sans;
    	 font-size: 12px;
     .dropdown-el {
    	 max-width: 18em;
    	 position: relative;
    	 display: inline-block;
    	 margin-right: 1em;
    	 min-height: 2em;
    	 max-height: 2em;
    	 overflow: hidden;
    	 top: 0.5em;
    	 cursor: pointer;
    	 text-align: left;
    	 white-space: nowrap;
    	 color: #444;
    	 outline: none;
    	 border: 0.06em solid transparent;
    	 border-radius: 1em;
    	 background-color: #cde4f5;
    	 transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out;
     .dropdown-el input:focus + label {
    	 background: #def;
     .dropdown-el input {
    	 width: 1px;
    	 height: 1px;
    	 display: inline-block;
    	 position: absolute;
    	 opacity: 0.01;
     .dropdown-el label {
    	 border-top: 0.06em solid #d9d9d9;
    	 display: block;
    	 height: 2em;
    	 line-height: 2em;
    	 padding-left: 1em;
    	 padding-right: 3em;
    	 cursor: pointer;
    	 position: relative;
    	 transition: 0.3s color ease-in-out;
     .dropdown-el label:nth-child(2) {
    	 margin-top: 2em;
    	 border-top: 0.06em solid #d9d9d9;
     .dropdown-el input:checked + label {
    	 display: block;
    	 border-top: none;
    	 position: absolute;
    	 top: 0;
    	 width: 100%;
     .dropdown-el input:checked + label:nth-child(2) {
    	 margin-top: 0;
    	 position: relative;
     .icon::after {
    	 content: "";
    	 position: absolute;
    	 right: 0.8em;
    	 top: 0.9em;
    	 border: 0.3em solid #3694d7;
    	 border-color: #3694d7 transparent transparent transparent;
    	 transition: 0.4s all ease-in-out;
    	 border: 0.06em solid #3694d7;
    	 background: #fff;
    	 border-radius: 0.25em;
    	 padding: 0;
    	 box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 3px 3px 5px 0px;
    	 min-height: 9em;
    	 transition: 0.4s all ease-in-out;
    document.getElementById("main").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', css)

    Checkout more widgets on the JavaScript Component Hub for Spotfire

    License:  TIBCO BSD-Style License



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