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  • Change map labels language in Spotfire

    This page provides a step-by-step guide on changing map labels in Spotfire

    When building a map in Spotfire, map labels will appear in English by default.


    You can change the language of your map's labels easily to Spanish, French, German, or Portuguese by using the geographical data built in your Spotfire library. Here is how to do it.

    Import World Countries from your Spotfire library

    1. Click the + button from the authoring bar on the left
    2. Browse your Spotfire library and go to Library > GeoAnalytics > Geocoding data tables... > World
    3. Double-click World Countries to import

    Remove labels from the default map layer

    1. Right-click the map and go to the Properties
    2. Open the Layers panel
    3. Select "Map Layer" and go to the Settings
    4. Choose "Rich Map" as the map style. This will keep the original map style and remove the map's labels.
    5. Close the map layer settings window.


    Add World Countries' data as a map layer

    From the Layers panel, click Add and select Feature Layer >> World Countries

    Remove borders and set to full transparency

    From the World Countries layer properties, tweak the style of the layer to not display borders and to full transparency

    Configure the labels to display

    Now you can add labels to the map. Go to the labels property panel and choose the desired language.


    You are done. The map should now display labels in your preferred language.


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