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  • Business Process Management and Analytics: Common mistakes to avoid, Lessons learned

    From experience, the following mistakes are very common

    • Many companies start too late. They focus on buidling the application and execution part first, then only towards the end of the proejct they start looking at what Reporting or Analytics could bring to them, which means most of the time this part of the project gets squeezed.

    • Thinking that out of the box reporting is "good enough" is usually wrong. The starting point should not be looking at available metrics but identify the personas (usually managers) and identify their daily questions. You will build the enitire solution (Analytics and Business Process Platform) to answer their questions and not vice versa.

    • Restricting to BPM data only is sometimes not enough. Contextual or correlated data from other sources is key especially for Case Management analysis.  

    • It's not an IT project ! Once the access to the right data sources, business domain, access controls and a few other things are set, then the business users should build the visualization themselves. 

    Lessons learned from those mistakes, will increase your chances of success and maximize value:

    • Start Early. Analyze and define the requirements with the business at the very beginning of the project.

    • Focus on the right business questions which will lead to the right metrics. those who will define whether the project is a success or not. 

    • Augment the data with more business and contextual data. Business Processes are only one dimension of the business performance. 

    • Think of continuous measurement for improvement. Getting visibility on the right metrics is already a big step. It could then need a few project iterations to get the desired improvements.

    • Choose the right tool: especially the self service and ease of use to the business is key. Spotfire is great for that. Anaytics is an application within the application. Build it your way and let your business users do it themselves  !

    • Use it to communicate on the project success!

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