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  • Automatically applying filtering Scheme changes to another Scheme

    Suppose You have two filtering schemas FS1 and FS2 and you added a filter from FS1 to the text area and selected a particular value. The following example is an IronPython script which can set same values to filter schema FS2.


    Suppose You have two filtering schemas FS1 and FS2 and you added a filter from FS1 to the text area and selected a particular value. The following example is an IronPython script which can set same values to filter schema FS2.


    Before creating this script you should create an R  data function for store selected value from the text area to a document property and assign a script.

    R Data Function


    Input Parameter



    Output Parameter



    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import *
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent
    from System import Guid
    SelectedList=[] #Array declare
    flag =0
    if Document.Properties["Shipmode"]!=None:  #If no Item selected we dont neeed to update the list
    	SelectedList =Document.Properties["Shipmode"].split(',')
    print (SelectedList)
    print (SelectedList)
    for item in SelectedList:  # Remove the extra space(Document property contains an extra space #when we select multiple values)
    	encodedSettings= encodedSettings+item.strip()+","
    print (encodedSettings)
    encodedSettings= encodedSettings[:-1] 
    print (mylist)
    #Get the active page and filterPanel
    page = Application.Document.ActivePageReference
    filterPanel = page.FilterPanel
    #Get reference for FilteringScheme used for your filter
    for fs in Document.FilteringSchemes:
        if fs.FilteringSelectionReference.Name == "FS2": #Second filter schema
            filterPanel.FilteringSchemeReference = fs
    #Let's find "Col_LBFilter" filter and read the selected Values
    #This example uses a listbox filter, you may use any.
    filterPanel.InteractiveSearchPattern = "Ship Mode"  # Give the column name
    for filter in filterPanel.FiltersMatchingSearchPattern:
    	if filter.FilterReference.Name == "Ship Mode": #check the given column is exist in filterpanel
    		lbFilter = filter.FilterReference.As[ListBoxFilter]()
    		print (lbFilter.SelectedValues)
    		lbFilter.Reset()  #Reset filter
    		lbFilter.IncludeAllValues = False
    		print (mylist)
    		if SelectedList!=None and flag==1: #If no Item selected we dont neeed to update the filter
    			#print "sanandh"
    			#print flag


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