Change columns on a table visualization with Iron Python. The multi-select list box drives the table visual columns to display.
This script takes the column values from a List box (multiple select) Property Control named column and updates a table visualization. Set the column document property trigger the change_table_visualization_columns Iron Python script when the property changes. The script takes t1 as a script parameter pointing to the table visualization to update.
# Requires a List box (multiple select) Property Control called "columns" from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent #get underlying data table #t1 is a Table Visualization script parameter t1=t1.As[VisualContent]() #remove all columns t1.TableColumns.Clear() #get columns (any table is the same. In this case we are using t1) cols = t1.Data.DataTableReference.Columns #add columns: #selectedPreset is a script parameter from the dropdown for col in Document.Properties["columns"]: t1.TableColumns.Add(cols[col])
Use case
Maybe we want to have a dropdown with predefined column selections or "presets" to have the user choose from different "views". For example, a drop down on the home page to display only relevant columns through the analysis on different pages. We can hide the presets from the user or have them on a different configuration tab.
Use case script
Create a List box (multiple select) Property Control for each preset. In this case p1,p2,..,p4 and a Drop down Property Control called presets with the preset names as values
Then associate the presets document property to trigger the update_presets script. This script takes all the table visuals to be updated t1, t2,..,t3 across the analysis and the selectedPreset parameter pointing to the presets document property
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import TablePlot, VisualContent from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataPropertyClass #get underlying data table #t1,t2,..,t3 are script parameters pointing to table visuals t1=t1.As[VisualContent]() t2=t2.As[VisualContent]() t3=t3.As[VisualContent]() #remove all columns t1.TableColumns.Clear() t2.TableColumns.Clear() t3.TableColumns.Clear() #get columns (any table is the same. In this case we are using t1) cols = t1.Data.DataTableReference.Columns #add columns: #selectedPreset is a script parameter from the dropdown for col in Document.Properties[selectedPreset]: t1.TableColumns.Add(cols[col]) t2.TableColumns.Add(cols[col]) t3.TableColumns.Add(cols[col])
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