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  • Access OData provider data from Spotfire® Cloud web clients

    Since May 2017, OData has been supported in Spotfire® Cloud Business Author and Consumer. This means that when you open an analysis file with data from OData in Spotfire Cloud Business Author and Consumer, you can load data directly from your OData instance. The OData connector supports in-memory data import.

    Analysis files with OData connections are authored in Spotfire Cloud Analyst, saved to the Spotfire Cloud Library and are then available for Spotfire Cloud Business Author and Consumer users.

    You can manually refresh data from individual data sources from Business Author's Source View.

    Note: You might have to allow the Spotfire Cloud servers to access your Odata providers by white listing the servers' IP addresses. More information is available in the TIBCO Spotfire Cloud help.

    Example of using a public OData provider

    In this example we will create and store an OData data connection in the Spotifre Cloud Library. This will allow us to reuse the data model in multiple analysis files.

    Launch the Spotfire Windows client Spotfire Analyst and navigate to the Tools menu. Select Manage Data Connection and add a new data connection to OData.



    Connect to the OData provider below. No username or password is needed.





    In the Views in Connection dialog, search for all tables containing the word "film" and double-click all four tables to add them to the view.



    Save the data connection to the Library.



    Create a new analysis file by opening the saved data connection.



    Notice that the data has been loaded into four Spotfire data tables, which have been added to the analysis file.



    To be able to analyze film genres we will join the data tables 'Films' and 'FilmGenres', by using Spotfire's Add Columns feature. To use Add Columns, select Insert > Columns....



    Add columns to the data table 'Films' from the 'FilmGenres' data table, which is available under Select > From Current Analysis



    Match the columns 'Films.GenreId' and 'FilmGenres.ID'.



    Add all columns from the 'FilmGenres' data table.



    The result can be viewed in the Source View.



    To make the column easier to identify, use the data panel to rename the column 'Name' to 'Genre'.



    We can now easily analyze, for example, films released over time, genre distribution and what's coming soon.


    Save the analysis file to the Spotfire Cloud Library. Then browse to https://spotfire.cloud.tibco.com/spotfire/login.html#/ and login to your Spotfire Cloud web client. 


    Click on the analysis file to open it in the web client Spotfire Consumer.

    Data will be loaded into the analysis file directly from the OData provider.


    Click the Edit button to enable authoring. This will enable the Business Author client and editing capabilities.


    If you know that certain data tables are rarely updated with new data, you can consider to change how their data is loaded into Spotfire. Go to the Source View and click on the data source. You can choose to store the data in the analysis file (embed) and only refresh data manually when needed. There is also a fallback mode that will load new data when the data source is available.


    If the OData provider used in this example is offline, or if you want to try with some other data, more examples are listed here.

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