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  • Startup StreamBase Studio and navigate to the Authoring Perspective

    StreamBase Studio presents a wealth of functionality. For first-time users who just want to go straight to the SB Authoring perspective and start doing things, here is sequence of steps that get you there fast.

    • Open StreamBase Studio
      • On the Microsoft Windows platform, double-click on the StreamBase Studio 10.4 icon on the Windows Desktop


    • If this is the first time you've used StreamBase Studio, accept the default value for your StreamBase Studio workspace location and name:
      • If you have used StreamBase Studio before, you may wish to create a new workspace -- just type in the name of the workspace folder you want in the Workspace: box, or use the Browse... button to choose a folder with the Windows chooser dialog.


    • Click Launch
    • You are presented with the Welcome screen for StreamBase Studio


    • In the upper right corner of the Welcome screen, click Workbench.
    • This action takes you to the StreamBase Studio Demos (SB Demo) perspective.
    • In the upper right corner, click Go To Authoring:


    • This action results in a display of the SB Authoring perspective:


    Note: In StreamBase Studio, a perspective is a collection of views that support a set of related tasks.

    • Now you are ready to get started creating applications with StreamBase Studio.

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