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  • Setting up a proxy for accessing remote Maven repositories with StreamBase

    Starting with StreamBase 10 (Live Datamart 10, Spotfire® Streaming 10, Spotfire Data Streaming), StreamBase Studio and the StreamBase Runtime need access to the remote Maven Central repository (by default https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 but any Maven Central mirror may be used) in order to populate the local Maven repository that both Studio and the Runtime use to access dependent Maven artifacts.

    This requirement means that once you installed the StreamBase software on a machine, you aren't actually done installing everything you need in order to run StreamBase, especially if you want to run it behind a restrictive firewall or in other offline or partially connected environments.

    For offline use of StreamBase, please see this Spotfire® Support KnowledgeBase article: https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-configure-your-StreamBase-10-Studio-environment-for-offline-development

    In some environments, including many corporate networking infrastructures, all HTTP access is restricted in some way, often requiring the use of an HTTP proxy. Therefore, access to the Maven Central repository will require access via an HTTP proxy. One symptom of this is that you may see an error message such as "failed to connect to repo.maven.apache.org" when using StreamBase even though, for example, you can browse to Maven Central from a web browser on the same machine. (See https://maven.apache.org/settings.html#Proxies)

    In order to set up an HTTP proxy for Maven, you can set up a entry in a settings.xml file for Maven. This is actually pretty standard Maven stuff, but if you don't know much Maven, it can be pretty mysterious, so here's a short explanation and example:

    1. Create a settings.xml file for yourself if you don't have one. By default, on a machine where you've never used Maven or StreamBase before, there won't be a settings.xml file. If you want Maven to find the settings.xml on its own, you will create in your user home directory's .m2 folder, which is where your local Maven repository is by default, as well. The location of your user home directory will vary with the operating system you are using -- on Windows 10, for example, by default it is C:\Users\myusername\.m2; on Linux this will be ~myuser/.m2, etc., but many corporate environments set user.home to some other place.
    2. Put a entry in your settings.xml file. Here's a sample:
    ... myproxy true http proxy.somewhere.com 8080 proxyuser somepassword *.google.com|ibiblio.org ...

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