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  • How to configure a LiveView join preprocessor


    How to configure a LiveView join preprocessor


    It's sometimes said that Live Datamart can't do table joins, and that is true if you are looking at things only from the perspective of issuing a LiveQL query from some client to the Live Datamart server. Think of this as wish for a join-on-query feature we don't have and probably never will, perhaps because arbitrary live streaming joins from many clients at once is, well, really computationally expensive.

    However, Live Datamart does have a feature called a join preprocessor. What the join preprocessor gives us is join-on-publish, not join-on-query.

    This feature is nice for populating a denormalized your incoming event schemas to accommodate the single table LiveQL query model.

    From a standard SQL perspective, the join preprocessor feature is a little odd. You are not joining data from two tables and viewing the results as a new result set schema. You are actually writing the results of the join INTO some specified columns of one of the tables participating in the join activity itself, which is called the target table. And since you can't create new columns in Live Datamart tables on the fly, the columns we're joining into have to already exist in the target table -- any value initially published into a target column gets overwritten by the join preprocessor.

    The Live Datamart preprocessor documentation has a partial example of a half-active join preprocessor in it.

    Attached is a runnable version of this sample: Download LiveViewJoin.zip from resources at bottom of the page .

    Import the attached project into StreamBase Studio (File > Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace > Archive File > ....LiveViewJoin.zip

    Right click on the LiveViewJoin project name in the Package Explorer view and select Run As > StreamBase LiveView Project

    After seeing a line like

    2015-05-14 16:30:48.988 INFO  { Server Started }  -
    	*** All tables have been loaded. LiveView is ready to accept client connections. ***

    in the SB Test/Debug perspective's Console view, then

    Right click on the LiveViewJoin project name in the Package Explorer view and select StreamBase > Open StreamBase Command Prompt Here (might be Shell rather than prompt depending on your platform OS)

    Start up LiveView Desktop and Open Query on both JoinTargetTable and JoinForeignTable

    From the command or shell prompt, run the following:

    publish JoinForeignTable;
    TIBX,TIBCO Software
    IBM,International Business Machines
    publish JoinTargetTable
    select * from JoinTargetTable;
    | OrderID | Side | Symbol | CompanyName                     | Account | Quantity | Price |
    | 1       | B    | IBM    | International Business Machines | 123     |   1000.0 | 300.0 |
    | 2       | S    | IBM    | International Business Machines | 345     |    500.0 | 234.0 |

    LiveView Desktop will show:



    The Live Datamart documentation notes that this half-active join configuration is analogous to the SQL

    SELECT JoinForeignTable.CompanyName As CompanyName, JoinTargetTable.* As *
    FROM JoinForeignTable, JoinTargetTable
    WHERE JoinForeignTable.Symbol=JoinTargetTable.Symbol
    It should be noted, however, that LiveView preprocessor joins modify the target table, and while no analogy from Live Datamart to standard SQL is exact, this scenario can also be thought of as analogous to doing a SQL UPDATE based on the result of a SELECT whenever an event is published to the JoinTargetTable:
    UPDATE JoinTargetTable t
    SET CompanyName =
     (SELECT JoinForeignTable.CompanyName As t.CompanyName,
        FROM JoinForeignTable WHERE JoinForeignTable.Symbol=t.Symbol
    WHERE JoinForeignTable.Symbol=t.Symbol


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