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  • Installing Python Packages in Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio

    Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio's Python engine is JupyterHub, a multi-user version of the notebook with the same name. In this way, users can have access to pre-configured environments that a Team Studio systems administrator can maintain. Individual users work in their own environment that they can customize. If a particular user would like to work with specialist Python packages, they can do so in their own environment without affecting other users of the same instance.

    Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio's Python engine is JupyterHub, a multi-user version of the notebook with the same name. In this way, users can have access to pre-configured environments that a Team Studio systems administrator can maintain. Individual users work in their own environment that they can customize. If a particular user would like to work with specialist Python packages, they can do so in their own environment without affecting other users of the same instance.

    You can access the system command line with an exclamation mark ! in a notebook. Anything prefaced with the exclamation mark executes a shell command. pip is the tool recommended for installing packages from the Python Package Index, PyPI. To install any package use the following command:

    !pip install package_name --user

    Notice the --user term here is included. This will install the package for any notebook you may work with, but will not be installed for other users. (If you'd like the packages to be available to all users, contact your Team Studio systems administrator.)

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