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  • Administering Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio

    This article outlines the steps for installing and configuring Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio on a Linux server. The following information will guide you through the process.

    As a system administrator for Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio, the initial task is to install and configure Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio Server. 

    Below information can guide you through the process installing and configuring Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio on a Linux Server,

    1. Before you install, please make sure you have these prerequisites and meet the system requirements.
    2. Follow the instructions outlined on the installation instructions
    3. After successful installation, you will need to configure the connection to the relevant data sources (database or Hadoop).
    4. This checklist is provided to ensure the Hadoop Connection established correctly. 
    5. This checklist is provided to ensure the Spark Cluster Connection established correctly.
    6. Following those steps to connect your datasources. 
    7. Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio can integrate Jupyter Notebooks to run Python code,  check the following requirements for using Jupyter Notebooks.
    8. Here are guides to work with Jupyter Notebooks.
    9. Securing the system is very important, this list describes how to complete various security tasks in Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio
    10. Check this link to add and manage users in Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio. 

    For more details, please refer the Spotfire® Data Science - Team Studio documentation.

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