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  • Spotfire Statistica® Tabulate

    Statistica can tabulate continuous, categorical, and multiple response variables, or multiple dichotomies. This can be done via different options that we will describe in this article.

    Statistica can tabulate continuous, categorical, and multiple response variables, or multiple dichotomies. This can be done via different options:

    • Frequency Tables; also known as one-way tables, exploratory procedure
    • By group; summary table(s) for each unique level of a By group variable or a unique combination of multiple By group variables
    • Crosstabulation Tables; crosstabulation is a combination of two or more frequency tables, each cell in the resulting table represents a unique combination of specific values of cross-tabulated variables
    • Stub-And-Banner Tables; also known as banners is a method to display two-way tables in a compressed format
    • Multiple Response Analysis; summary table for all multiple response items
    • Reporting Tables; created a formatted report with multiple tables that are side-by-side


    A wide variety of options are offered to control the layout and format of the tables. For example, for tables involving multiple response variables or multiple dichotomies, marginal counts and percentages can be based on the total number of respondents or responses, multiple response variables can be processed in pairs, and various options are available for counting (or ignoring) missing data. Frequency tables can also be computed based on user-defined logical selection conditions (of any complexity, referencing any relationships between variables in the dataset) that assign cases to categories in the table.

    The program can display cumulative and relative frequencies, Logit- and Probit-transformed frequencies, normal expected frequencies (and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Lilliefors, and Shapiro-Wilks' tests), expected and residual frequencies in crosstabulations, etc. Available statistical tests for crosstabulation tables include the Pearson, Maximum-Likelihood and Yates-corrected Chi-squares; McNemar's Chi-square, the Fisher exact test (one- and two-tailed), Phi, and the tetrachoric r. Additional statistics are Kendall's tau (a, b), Gamma, Spearman r, Sommer's D, uncertainty coefficients, etc.

    Reporting tables can calculate valid N, the sum of weights, sum, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, min, max, coefficient of variation, distinct count, geometric mean, Grubbs test, harmonic mean, percentiles, skewness, trimmed means, etc.


    Graphical options include simple, categorized (multiple), and 3D histograms, cross-section histograms (for any "slices" of the one-, two-, or multi-way tables), and many other graphs including a unique "interaction plot of frequencies" that summarizes the frequencies for complex crosstabulation tables (similar to plots of means in ANOVA). Cascades of even complex (e.g., multiple categorized, or interaction) graphs can be interactively reviewed. 

    Analyze Crosstabulation Tables

    An additional method to analyze crosstabulation tables is provided in the Spotfire Statistica® Generalized Linear Nonlinear Models module. 

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